Cash Purchases Rise to 45 Percent of All Sales in August While #Institutional Investor Share Up to 10 Percent

Sales Volume and Median Home Prices Continue to Increase in Most Markets; Short Sales and Bank-Owned Sales Combined Account for One in Four Sales. RealtyTrac® , the nation's leading source for comprehensive housing data, today released its August 2013 U.S. Residential & Foreclosure Sales Report, which shows that U.S. residential properties, including single family homes and condominiums and townhomes, sold at an estimated annualized pace of 5.6 million in August, up 2 percent from the 5.5 million pace in July and up 12 percent from the 5.0 million pace in August 2012. The national median sales price in August was $175,000, up 3 percent from the previous month and up 6 percent from a year ago — the 17th consecutive month where median home prices have increased annually nationwide. The median price of a distressed residential property — in foreclosure or bank owned — in August was $116,000, up 1 percent from the previous month, but down 3 percent from a year ago. Median...