#Blackstone largest landlord of single family home completed the first ever U.S. securitization of single family rental homes - what does this mean to you, the average SFR investor?

Blackstone’s real estate group has spent more than $7 billion to acquire 40,000 homes, making it the biggest landlord in the burgeoning U.S. house-rental industry. Last week, Blackstone’s Invitation Homes completed the first ever U.S. securitization of single family rental homes (SFR) – and from all accounts the deal was a wild success for Blackstone. Now, this is obviously great for Blackstone – but what does this mean to you, the average SFR investor? Secularization is basically a fancy form of financing that enables those investors that are capable of it (large investors, with assets in the $100’s of millions) access to the bond market, where they can get cheaper debt than can be had in a traditional real estate transaction. Blackstone’s initial secularization is only comprised of 3,207 of their total 40,000+ homes. Blackstone purchased the properties for $444.7M, and put repairs of $98.1M into them, for a total cost basis of $542.8M. According to the brokers hired to value the pr...