5 Tips on what to do if you haven’t sold before Xmas

5 Tips on what to do if you haven’t sold before Xmas

1. Review your price. In the vast majority of times my experience is that an overly-ambitious price tag is the key reason most properties don’t sell within 28 days.

2. Refresh your marketing & re-launch in January. Consider a fresh start in the New Year. Old & new buyers are back by the second week of January with new energy & enthusiasm to buy - be first off the blocks with your rejuvenated listing.

3. Make sure your property is up at the top of the internet listings for your area - if not, pay to raise its position. Only around 30% of buyers look beyond the first page of online search results!

4. Get a fresh set of eyes to review your presentation. Consider getting someone who isn’t involved with the sale to guide you on your presentation & consider some minor adjustments if they think anything is getting in the way. This could include styling, furnishing, de-cluttering, minor decoration, landscaping etc.

5. Consider engaging a feng shui master to see if there is anything that needs attending to. This process can be effective for all buyers and with Chinese buyers becoming a bigger part of the buyer pool you want to ensure your property is not turning any away.

contact us for a free property evaluation and visit us online at www.GlobecoreUsa.com


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